




Something Fishy – Catching 欺诈 Before It Happens

Read more about the Walleye fishing competition gone wrong and how antifraud controls may have helped prevent it.


Learn about the type of attacks online merchants are facing and key strategies to combat these types of fraud.

欺诈 is Happening at Your Organization; You Just Don’t Know It

Learn how to use data analytics to uncover fraud within your organization.

Highlights from the ACFE's 2022 Anti-欺诈 技术 Report

Read our insights and takeaways from the Association of Certified 欺诈 Examiners' 2022 Anti-欺诈 技术 Benchmarking Report.
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Be Alert of IRS Scams - Stop, Look and Listen!

With another 税 filing season beginning, 税payers must be mindful of the various IRS impersonation scams and schemes. This article summarizes popular schemes that criminals utilize to obtain vital information.

空中接力! Former NBA Players Indicted on Alleged Insurance 欺诈 Charges

Explore the details around a group of former NBA players indicted on alleged insurance fraud charges.

Illegal Reception - Former NFL Wide Receiver Receives 欺诈ulent PPP 贷款

Learn more about former NY Jets receiver Joshua Bellamy, who is charged with receiving fraudulent PPP loans.

Flag on the Play - Football and 卫生保健 欺诈

Learn how NFL players defrauded the NFL Player Health Reimbursement Account Plan.
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Soccer Kickbacks - Red Cards and Red Flags

Explore the high-profile scandal involving Fédération 国际e de Football Association (FIFA) officials.

Foul Ball - John Ruffo Attends a Baseball Game

约翰·鲁福, one of the most wanted fugitives in the country, really take in a LA Dodgers game in plain sight?
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